DBT 2 - Session 1
In this session you will be introduced to the DBT case conceptualization. As a result, almost all elements of the biosocial theory (see introductory video) are discussed: behavioral frameworks as an expression of being in a convincing hell or just as arising to prevent/temporarily stop that hell, vulnerability factors, skill deficits and self-invalidation that result of growing up in a disabling environment, and so on.
At the end of the conversation, Anne is presented with a choice: if you want a decent life, are you willing to stop the behavior that makes this impossible? Are you willing to stop cutting, drinking, doing drugs? Are you ready to do this right away? Of course, then the doubts set in. Roland will therefore use 'commitment strategies', including shaping, door in the face, foot in the door, mutually, which will help Anne to make room for that doubt and still come to a decision.
Throughout the clip you will also see other strategies typical of DBT: prioritizing treatment goals, accurate assessment, generating solutions, surprise exposure, alternating reciprocal responses with confrontation, and keeping the momentum going.